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Posters, pictures, and knick-knacks can make a resident feel more at home. 只要不造成健康或火灾危险或损坏房间,就鼓励装饰. Traffic and street signs are not permitted in the residence halls.

Decorations should be a credit to the room and to the University. Giving the room a personal touch is expected; discretion, 然而, 应该用来保护所有居民的权利吗. Anything visible through the window or on the door should be in good taste. 可能被认为令人反感的图片和其他材料不得在学生房间外可见的地方展示. All pictures and posters displayed on room doors are subject to Student Senate, 房屋管理局及住宅生活投寄政策.
不允许在宿舍内展示酒精饮料容器或指示牌. 所有空的汽水罐在使用后都应该回收. 可以不允许收款吗.


We hope you enjoy the year at Northwest and the time you spend in the residence halls. 开始为明年做计划永远不会嫌早! Typically our "re-sign" process is done middle to late February. 在报名前几周,你会收到具体的信息,告诉你什么时候可以选择明年的房间偏好.

注册时间是基于资历的. 网上赌博网站十大排行收到您的原始存款的日期是用来确定您的优先级的日期. At the time of sign-up you will encouraged to select your roommate and specific room.


At Northwest, we pride ourselves on having a campus that is friendly and compact. 这些都是拥有一个安全校园的优势. However, safety at Northwest is no accident - nor should it be taken for granted. 一个愉快和安全的氛围是住宿生活的目标. 包括学生在内的所有社区成员在确保自身安全方面发挥着至关重要的作用, 还有他人的安全.

Residents are issued keys to their respective rooms when they move in. If a room key is reported lost, the room door is re-keyed and new keys are issued. 外面的门在每晚10点前锁上, after which residents must use their key fob to gain entrance at doors with fob readers. 无人陪同的客人必须在大门被锁上后,用正门上的电话给住户打电话,以便进入.


Your 网上赌博网站十大排行 residence hall room will be "HOME" for a while. Keep it safe for your self and others by knowing and following these facts:

  • 锁上门. 每年,当学生在白天和/或晚上不锁房间且无人看管时,都会发生盗窃事件, 只要1到2分钟. 现金、珠宝、身份证、信用卡等. 应该放在视线之外吗. Whenever you leave your room, lock the door and take your keys with you. Many times students return from the bathroom to find items missing from their rooms. 晚上睡觉前一定要把门锁上.
  • Be careful with high temperature small appliances like irons and curling irons. Unplug them immediately after use and let them cool before you put them away.
  • 通过在一个插座上插入过多的物品或在原始插座上使用适配器来避免电路过载. 网上赌博网站十大排行建议使用带有内置断路器的电源线.
  • 携带大量现金时要小心. 永远不要让任何人知道你有现金——这个词传得很快. 千万不要把现金放在房间里.
  • Avoid using candles, open flame and open coil devices in the residence halls.
  • Never store flammable or combustible liquids or materials in your room.
  • Remember to keep books, magazines and other papers away from heaters.
  • 把你房间里的废物和垃圾清理掉. 经常清空你的废纸篓.


住宿生活协议不包括宿舍在假期、学期之间或随后由大学宣布的假期期间关闭时的住房. 在休息期间需要住宿的学生需要在休息前两周通过住宿生活办公室进行安排. 逾期通知将产生10美元的行政费. 请注意,在此期间,住宿和服务将受到限制,并将收取额外的房费(按比例每晚合同费率)。.



这是室友享有的权利清单. 这应该是你处理当前与室友关系的指路明灯. 看看这个列表, 把它应用到你的室友关系中, and work toward fulfilling all rights completely throughout the process.

  1. 阅读和学习的权利不受干扰,不受不合理的噪音和其他干扰.
  2. 不受不适当干扰而睡觉的权利.
  3. 在自己的房间里享有个人隐私的权利.
  4. 在清洁环境中生活的权利.
  5. 在客人尊重其他住户权利的前提下招待客人的权利.
  6. The right to have free access to one's room and hall facilities.
  7. The right to be free from intimidation and physical and emotional harm.
  8. The right to air grievances; the residence hall staff may be helpful in assisting and settling conflicts.
  9. The right to expect respect for one's belongings and personal property.
  10. 期望这些特权得到尊重的权利,并承担为他人尊重这些特权的责任.


你应该和你的室友坐下来互相了解一下吗, 或者你应该在你的住宿/学生助理的帮助下完成一份室友合同? 以下信息将帮助您做出决定.

  • Negotiation: Have you just met and are beginning to learn a little bit about each other? How about negotiation, or voluntary problem solving and/or bargaining? 你的谈判是由所有室友直接进行的,以便就各种问题达成共同协议.
  • Conciliation: Voluntary negotiation with the help of a neutral third party (get your RA), 是谁把双方召集到一起谈话,还是谁在双方之间传递信息.
  • 调解:自愿参与一个有组织的过程,由中立的第三方协助争议各方确定并满足他们在冲突中的利益. 听起来复杂? Simply speaking: Your RA/SA will help you to complete a roommate contract.
  • 仲裁:哇! 你们相处得不好! Arbitration involves voluntary or required participation in a process of explaining, 展示, 证明需求的合理性, 利益, 和/或位置, 由宿舍主任决定的具有约束力的或咨询性的声明.


作为一名住在宿舍的大学生,你可能会和一个或多个室友住在一起. 你的同学一开始可能是陌生人. 工作量更大,竞争更激烈. 作为室友,你们可以分享朋友、课程、音乐和信任. At times 然而, the things you share may create stress between you. 你可能会遇到的其他压力情况包括:

  • Leaving home: Separation from your family and friends is difficult for most. While it may lead to newfound values and freedom, it still equates stress.
  • Managing finances: Chances are, you'll have to budget your money carefully. 室友之间的经济差异可能会导致隐藏的嫉妒、盗窃和不信任. 钱是个人的,钱是私人的.
  • 价值观测试:当你遇到与你有不同意见的人,比如喝酒, 药物, 性, 和宗教, 你把这件事看得比其他任何事都重要. The world is full of people different than you, and a college campus is not an exception.
  • Handling personal problems: Conflicts will arise between you and a parent, 教授, 同行, 的女朋友, 的男朋友, 或兄弟姐妹. 这是不可避免的. 当它发生的时候,它会需要你的全部情感,给你的生活带来巨大的压力.
  • 和室友一起住:如果你和室友一起住, you should show your roommate the same kind of consideration that you'd like to receive. Anything else would be selfish and inconsiderate -- and lead to stress between you.


更有效地沟通你的想法和感受,以得到你想要的回应. 学会如何表达你的感受, 好好表现自己, 优雅地给予和接受抱怨, 在适当的时候说“不”, 有效地解决问题. Help others to get to know you better so they will know what to expect from you. Get to know others because they'll offer information about themselves in return. 学习良好的倾听技巧,避免误解, here are some tips: Give your undivided attention to the roommate. 表现出你对谈话内容感兴趣. 不要催促、打断或替室友完成句子. 如果你需要更多的信息,可以提问. 不要忘记记住听者的背景, 知识, 感情, 以及你的观点对他或她意味着什么.


找一个合适的时间和地点谈话:选择一个所有人都很平静并准备好谈话的时间. 选择一个安静私密的会面地点.

确定问题或问题:让每个人陈述发生了什么或存在的问题. 关注问题本身,而不是个性. 使用积极的倾听技巧和“我”的信息. 避免沟通障碍.

头脑风暴解决方案:让每个人提出解决问题或解决问题的方法. 不加评判地倾听对方. 愿意妥协.

Choose a solution and agree on it: Consider all the options, evaluate pros and cons. 选择一个大家都同意的选项.

采用双赢的策略来解决冲突. Help to ensure that each person's personal integrity is maintained. It is never acceptable for one person to feel debased or humiliated. 把矛盾公开化. 防御性, 羞辱, 判断反应, 伎俩, 操纵, 折现, 侵略性的攻击, and similar types of behavior are counterproductive in the process. 不要把不需要的人牵扯进来,从而加剧冲突. 当牵扯到太多人的时候, people become concerned with maintaining loyalties and saving face.


  • 在你的同意或不同意中要具体,而不是笼统.
  • 描述和逻辑,而不是情绪化.
  • Be tactful by trying to say something positive, even if you disagree.
  • 解决问题. 不要提起其他冲突或过去的敌对行为. 面对问题,而不是人. 客观地描述你的感受和观点, 在定义问题并分析问题是如何产生的时候.
  • 想出可能的解决方案,一起坐下来,尽可能多地列出可能的解决方案. Don't be afraid to include some silly ones; they'll break the tension. 你想出的点子越多, the more you'll have to choose from and the better the choice you'll be able to make.
  • Evaluate the possible solutions to try and find one that meets each person's needs, 目标和观点, 考虑到可用的时间和资源.
  • 决定一个解决方案. 这将涉及各方的一些妥协. 但要意识到妥协并不意味着你输了!
  • 将解决方案付诸行动. Make a plan for using your solution and follow-up to see how it's working. 建立短期目标来帮助检查你的进步.


如果你真诚地尝试了本书中的所有步骤,并与你的宿舍助理和宿舍主任进行了交谈, 还有其他选择.

During the second week of classes each semester, there is a "FREE" room change period. 这段时间将持续2-3天,你必须仔细观察你的大厅里的帖子,这些帖子将描述这个过程,并告诉你具体需要做什么. 请参阅宿舍或公寓手册, 适当的, 有关房间更换的详细信息.

在此期间, 学生可以因任何原因更改,并且不收取语音邮件转移费用. 在这段时间之后, 任何被批准的房间变更将被评估电信费用(查看您的Res Life手册了解当前金额). 所有房间的变动都要视空房情况而定.

这将取决于你, 在大厅工作人员的帮助下, to seek out what you feel to be a more comfortable living situation for yourself. 你的宿舍主任可以给你提供一份可用空间的清单和当前居民的名字. 这将取决于你与个人联系,并评估你觉得你将如何兼容.

网上赌博网站十大排行将努力鼓励您在大厅工作人员的帮助下解决分歧,而不是立即批准换房(免费换房期间除外)。. It is part of the college experience to learn to accept differences in others, 调解冲突, 达成妥协.

You are not alone in this effort, but it will take patience and effort on your part. If you are able to work through any conflicts and learn to live and learn together, the results will be immeasurable as you prepare to enter a workforce rich with cultural, 经济, 以及个人差异. 网上赌博网站十大排行是来帮忙的!

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